Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rainy Day Drive.

KCRW Subscription Drive begins tomorrow. I'm in charge.

No really. I am.

Tuesday we had to shut the entire station down. Shut it down. We almost caught on fire. Major electrical problem that needed to be fixed at 1PM rather than AM. Dig?

Attached photo features, "Singey" - The Fire Culprit.

Fire Marshals are scheduled to visit this week.

It's raining and will continue to through at least Monday, Tuesday of next week. After a past Fire Marshal visit, we have all of our food services outside. And we've got some delicious food. Yum.

We've got tents and we work hard. At least it'll be exciting. Aside from the usual hysteria.

I wonder if my dream last night about my top staffer buying cocaine and hiding a drug problem is reflexive of my concern.

What's really crazy is how uncannily similar Singey is to our latest mascot:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Methinks "Singey" needs his own series...