Packs at work are created during our subscription drives so people can get on and off the phone with us quickly, knowing they're selecting a "sealed with approval by KCRW" premium for their support. This, along with the other benefits of membership and support to us is enough for many members. But the packs specifically... We move calls, they get stuff. It's a win-win. What does this mean to you? It means that many times in a day as advertisement of our Eclectic pack I'll hear Richie Havens jam out, "Tombstone Blues," or Jim James (backed by Calexico) ominously howl, "Goin' To Acapulco." However, I'm surprised by just how much my timbers shiver to this latter track. On principle, I am not a fan of Jim's band. To know me is to know this is not a statement of elitism. Just taste. Of fact. They are the American Coldplay. They are unimaginative and predictable, charming by a dull halcyon effect. Not fair to the human psyche. Pandering. But this song is getting me. I vividly remember how solemn and bizarre a scene it was on screen and how those images were so visceral accompanied by that song. It is Dylan imagery after all. Just how poignantly obtuse do you want it? It heavied a cool evening. Enjoyably.

For certain, the soundtrack isn't a solid hit for me. I'm glad we mostly play just those tracks. If they threw in some of the Yo La Tengo, Charlotte Gainsbourg or Malkmus AND Lee Ranaldo's (my fave Youth) version of "I Can't Leave Her Behind," (a version sung so nicely by Malkmus, using the SM canorous twang, softened with his late-in-life submission to romance, a bit of sincerity for the heroine and some reverence for the author)... If we played some of those, I would be wholeheartedly proud of my station's accomplishments. In the meantime, I really do adore my workplace. I'm grateful. We're a group of bright and energetic folk. Even the lame ducks are at least birds of a different feather. Furthermore, they allow and pay me to exert control while wearing Vans. I'm totally into it.
Here's a site with all the CDs we have available. It's a shiny but very new creation of ours - listing CDs on our site - so forgive if it navigates like a 15 year old girl driving stick. It's Beta and made in something like 10 days.
So back to Dylan.
Along with the accompanying new friendship of the gifter (once an unnecessary nemesis), another late happening I've enjoyed as a work perk has been a brand new copy of, "The Johnny Cash Show: 1969 - 1971."

The broadcast studios were obviously located in the Lord's backyard, while his big Dad-In-the Sky BBQ'd franks, dogs and poured pop for the guests. I don't use that lightly and I mean it specifically. Music has an ineffable backstory that shakes and tickles from invisible staves and Johnny Cash collected this phenomena in his show. Yeah - he was party planning with the Lord.
Narrated by Kris Kristofferson and opening with a young yet arriving Dylan, no' doubt - this DVD and performance is tops. I feel so bright eyed by things like this, I wish there were a way we could kiss time. I guess that's why we make stuff.
I've enjoyed learning that Dylan's brilliance was somewhat calculated by him. Meaning - Dylan pretty much knew what was available to him and that in the beginning, the trail was probably so brightly lit that Dylan smirked with the excitement, exposing his own inside glow about the deal. It can be seen in this performance.
To make us present now, I'm going to SF in a couple weeks to hang with my original music posse. Goin' to have some fun. We'll be seeing Six Organs of Admittance. And I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray. I've never loved a gay man more than I love this writer. He is so horrible. Quel philosophe. In the next two weeks I'll also be enjoying the last two shows of this season’s Arthur Magazine Sunday Festivals, but still, I’ll be surprisingly envious of my SF friends. They're going to Terrastock 7 in freakin' Louisville over my birthday weekend - which is also the first day of Summer. It'd be kinda cool to see all that music on the Summer Solstice, ya' know? But considering Kathy has booked previous Terrastocks as well as tour managed a lot of these bands, she deserves this trip. Me? I'm just not financially set up for it yet. However, I too deserve the show and I'd let you take me for the ride.
I love Oscar, too. And I know he'd love the fact that someone actually made a man-on-man porno called "The
Picture of Dorian Gay".
He would. He would. He certainly would. I do too!
Terrastock 7 is gonna be in Louisville.
Oh Shit. I know that. I really do. I'll change it. Please excuse. I have many forms of dyslexia. I'm not happy about this. Especially since I probably just unsubscribed from your list as well. Oh well. Spread the love.
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