Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's Enough To Be Here.

There's a coffee place in San Francisco (Philz Coffee) that brews one cup at a time. It's dangerous. Most / Everyone says it's just too strong.

Philz' coming to L.A. and has already been interviewed on my work’s Good Food show. I made friends with the owner's son and he gave me a piece of baklava. I’m leaving it for my SF hosts. Must let work know Philz is coming to L.A. Trouble…

I also solved the Chronicle’s Cypher Puzzle over my second cup. It was a quote from Gene Hackman. Funny considering today’s Word-of-the-Day from Their sentence: “Unlike important men of affairs, novelists can turn midnight into sunrise and solve nettlesome world problems wherever their imaginations decree.” I was thinking about being a writer of enthuse from a nondescript place of origin. Like Los Angeles.

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